Page 5 - 2016_04_HelloKakis
P. 5

POWER MOM’S Quiet and unassuming, Zubaidah Mohamed Amin has been a
regular at our golf outings for the past year. The self-professed
GOLF PASSION cat afcionado is a proud owner of two adorable Maine Coons and

especially enjoys her time outdoors. The busy mother of three
doesn’t let family commitments get in the way of her newfound
passion for golf; managing to strike a perfect balance for the
best of both worlds.

When and why did you
start golfng?

My frst lesson started in May 2014
and I played my frst round of 18
holes in October. I wanted to pick
up a sport at that time to occupy
myself since my children were
Zubaidah already independent. My husband
Mohamed Amin plays golf as well, so we spend time
Ordinary member travelling and golfng together.
since 2014

My dream golf holiday...
Is to go on a Mediterranean golf
Do you have a favourite course? cruise. My husband and I saw a
I try to hit the greens once a week at cruise programme on TV where
National Service Resort & Country each port of call would have a golf
Club and occasionally at Marina outing. It would be a dream golf
Golf Course. However, I don’t have adventure as everything is catered
a favourite course as I enjoy all for and all you have to do is to
aspects of various golf courses; enjoy the beautiful scenery and
sand traps, ponds and all. cool climate.

We often see you at our What is it about golf that
monthly events. appeals to you?

Yes, I fnd myself enjoying different
sceneries and joining these events At frst, I found it to be a curious
helps me to experience other game; hitting a small ball around
courses without having to be a such a large area. Then, I realised
country club member. that I get to spend some time
outdoors and to enjoy the greenery.
Taking in fresh air and some sun is
How did you fnd out about What’s in your golf bag? good for the body too!
my golf kaki? I have an ENA Golf set of irons, hybrid
I was at Marina Golf Course waiting 5 and 6, a driver and a putter. My
for my husband when I came across favourite club by far is the hybrid 5 as Know someone you would like to see
a notice on my golf kaki. I read up it is light and easy to use. featured as Member of the Month?
about it and liked what it had to offer. Share with us your recommendations
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