Page 5 - 2015_07_HelloKakis
P. 5



In the 6th issue of HelloKakis!, we gave a brief
summary on the four skills of putting, namely
Aim, Speed, Read and Path. This issue, we will
cover the frst skill of putting – aim.

Simple mathematics will tell us that if your aim is
off by 6 inches from 6 feet, at 24 feet, you will be
aiming 24 inches off. Another way to look at it, the
ball is 1.68 inches in diameter and the cup is 4.25
inches in diameter. At 15 feet, if the player aimed
1° closed/opened, the ball would be 3.14 inches out HOW YOU INTERACT WITH YOUR PUTTER
from the centre of the cup. If the player does not • The putter is a complex package of angles, colors,
have a compensatory move to open/close the face at and textures that must be evaluated and processed
impact or have excessive cut to manipulate the putter • Putter design does infuence TRUE AIM
direction, there is no way the ball is going to enter the
cup from 12 feet and up. • What you like in a putter is not necessarily what you

THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF AIM • Randomly changing putters requires new procedures,
patterns, and processes
True Aim is how the golfer points the putter. You
can also think of it as aiming your rife when you are • Changing putters without knowing why you are
shooting. changing or know what you are changing into can
be disastrous to your putting system.
Targeting Aim is how the golfer patterns break and
speed with the True Aim. An example will be skeet
shooting or as you were trained in your army days to HOW TO CHECK YOUR TRUE AIM
aim a tad higher than the actual target when the target There are many ways. But the two methods we use
is 300m away. here are:

Use the aim laser PUTTron
Method: The golfer aims at a Method: The infrared putter face
small laser projector that looks alignment system will let you
similar to an actual golf hole. know immediately when your
When the ball is removed, the putter is properly aligned to
laser beam refects off a mirrored the target by emitting a steady
putter face, and the refected “beep” or a green indicator light.
beam projects onto a black A small mirror must be attached
screen positioned behind the to the putter during this motion.
projector, showing the difference
between the golfer’s aim and the For more discussion, please contact a professional ftter
actual target. at Wiz Golf (6570 1876 or
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