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P. 6



Golf is a great mental and physical sport, and has any untoward incident. Course marshalls are usually on
been gaining popularity in recent years. With the point and will advise slow golfers to pick up the pace of
growing number of golfers, many fock to local golf play. Alternatively, you may politely ask to ‘play through’.
courses. Hence, it is paramount that each golfer takes
the initiative to adhere to golf course regulations, thus Another factor that most golfers may take for granted
ensuring safety for oneself and for others. is buggy safety. While most courses have an age
restriction, some are more lenient and may allow very
First and foremost, one must be responsible for young golfers to take the wheel. While a child may
their own safety and avoid unnecessary risks. Never be excited at the prospect of driving, the parent or
underestimate Mother Nature. Be on the lookout for guardian must be responsible for their safety and
both the weather and your surroundings. In the open provide the necessary advice and guidance. It is also
feld, the risk of getting struck important to observe directional
during a thunderstorm increases signages and safety markers at all
for golfers. Immediately seek “ The object of golf is times. Watch out for bunkers and
shelter and avoid trees should you not just to win. It is to pavements, and avoid steep slopes.
notice an impending storm. Do slow down when going downhill
play like a gentleman,
Safe play is one of the most and win.” and taking turns.
important factors to note as well. In Sometimes, accidents may still
addition to ensuring your own safety, Phil Mickelson occur despite taking all the
one must always be watchful of the necessary precautions. In the event
location of other golfers. Avoid taking practice swings a wayward shot is heading towards others, immediately
in the direction of other golfers, as you will never know yell “FORE”. Golfers who hear the warning should not
when you might strike a loose impediment. Make sure look for the ball and instead seek cover. If possible,
that your fight mates are behind when you hit. The same crouch behind an object like a buggy, tree, or even a
goes for the preceding fight – always wait till the group golf bag, and protect your head.
ahead is well out of range of your shot.
Remember, golf can be a safe sport so long as safety
It can be very frustrating when the front fight is playing precautions are followed. Sportsmanship, course
too slowly. You may then feel tempted to hit into the etiquette and basic common sense should always be
group – DON’T! Remember, patience is key to avoiding on the forefront when golfng. Happy golfng!


QUIZ a While waiting for your tee-off, b A lightning alert is sounded.
You seek shelter under a tree
you do some warm up swings in
the direction of your fight mate. immediately.
c You are having the game of your life d You notice a steep slope up ahead.

but the fight in front is holding up your You steer the buggy clear and drive
momentum. You hit a shot towards them around it instead.
as a warning to speed up.
First 10 members to email the correct answer to
by 30 November 2014 will win an exclusive my golf kaki driver cover!
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