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Junior member since 2009
Junior member since 2013
Junior member since 2009
You might have spotted these young ladies
practising at Marina Bay Golf Course, under
the watchful eyes of their father. The sport
has become a family tradition, passed
down from their grandparents. The sisters Gabrielle
regularly participate in regional junior golf
tournaments. Read on to fnd out more Mikaela
about their golfng journey and aspirations. Rachel
When and why did you start golfng? Apart from the low index par 4 and My favourite is Adam Scott because
My dad started taking me to the long par 5 holes, it is quite junior of his calmness and constant smiles
driving range when I was six. Plus, my friendly. Of course, I need to be during tournaments. It shows a
grandparents were also golfers, so we careful and avoid the sand bunkers. positive attitude.
were following in their footsteps. In fact,
grandma was a single handicapper! I agree with my sisters. Plus, I also shot When I grow up…
I started when I was four. I was lucky my lowest score so far in this course! I want to use golf as a way to connect
as my sisters started golf early, so the and socialise with others.
clubs and apparels were ready for me Any memorable golf experience? My grandparents are my models. I
even before I started. Teeing off from the black tee-box at want to keep golfng for as long as
Marina Bay Golf Course, in front of the
Age four. Dad introduced it to both me cafe patrons. I can.
and Gabrielle so we could use golf as I dream of turning professional one
a family bonding activity. We regularly I tried driving a buggy once. It was so day. It is still early, but I will put effort
golf together about once a week. exciting! into my dream.
I love travelling overseas for golf
What is your favourite golf course tournaments. Three words that best describe you?
and why? Friendly. Funny. Tactful
I think we all like Marina Bay Golf Who is your favourite golfer and why?
Course. For me, this is the course where I like Paula Creamer. She has great Never Give Up!
I play with my parents and sisters on fashion sense and brings glamour into Competitive, Resilient, Determined.
every round she plays.
I don’t get to play at many 18-hole Na Yeon Choi. She has a perfect, Know someone you would like to see
golf courses, but Marina Bay Golf effortless swing. Very calm and nice featured as Member of the Month?
Course is one of my favourites. Share your recommendations at
to watch.
Junior member since 2009
Junior member since 2013
Junior member since 2009
You might have spotted these young ladies
practising at Marina Bay Golf Course, under
the watchful eyes of their father. The sport
has become a family tradition, passed
down from their grandparents. The sisters Gabrielle
regularly participate in regional junior golf
tournaments. Read on to fnd out more Mikaela
about their golfng journey and aspirations. Rachel
When and why did you start golfng? Apart from the low index par 4 and My favourite is Adam Scott because
My dad started taking me to the long par 5 holes, it is quite junior of his calmness and constant smiles
driving range when I was six. Plus, my friendly. Of course, I need to be during tournaments. It shows a
grandparents were also golfers, so we careful and avoid the sand bunkers. positive attitude.
were following in their footsteps. In fact,
grandma was a single handicapper! I agree with my sisters. Plus, I also shot When I grow up…
I started when I was four. I was lucky my lowest score so far in this course! I want to use golf as a way to connect
as my sisters started golf early, so the and socialise with others.
clubs and apparels were ready for me Any memorable golf experience? My grandparents are my models. I
even before I started. Teeing off from the black tee-box at want to keep golfng for as long as
Marina Bay Golf Course, in front of the
Age four. Dad introduced it to both me cafe patrons. I can.
and Gabrielle so we could use golf as I dream of turning professional one
a family bonding activity. We regularly I tried driving a buggy once. It was so day. It is still early, but I will put effort
golf together about once a week. exciting! into my dream.
I love travelling overseas for golf
What is your favourite golf course tournaments. Three words that best describe you?
and why? Friendly. Funny. Tactful
I think we all like Marina Bay Golf Who is your favourite golfer and why?
Course. For me, this is the course where I like Paula Creamer. She has great Never Give Up!
I play with my parents and sisters on fashion sense and brings glamour into Competitive, Resilient, Determined.
every round she plays.
I don’t get to play at many 18-hole Na Yeon Choi. She has a perfect, Know someone you would like to see
golf courses, but Marina Bay Golf effortless swing. Very calm and nice featured as Member of the Month?
Course is one of my favourites. Share your recommendations at
to watch.